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M Sc (Medical) Courses

M Sc (Medical) Courses

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Hospital Offers M Sc Medical Courses in the Following Subjects

S.No. Name of the Course Eligibility Duration of the Course
1. M Sc (Anatomy) B Sc with atleast one subject of
Biological Sciences / MBBS / BDS /
BAMS / BHMS / BPT / B Pharm /
B Sc Nursing / BVSc & AH / B Sc
graduates with Physics and 
Chemistry as optional subjects 
could be considered for M Sc
3 Years
2. M Sc (Physiology) 3 Years
3. M Sc (Biochemistry) 3 Years
4. M Sc (Microbiology) 3 Years
5. M. Sc (Pharmacology) 3 Years

For further details the candidates are advised to go through the prospectus of the University.